Sunday, July 27, 2008

List of blogs sold for insane prices!

  1. (Sold for $65,000) March 2008
  2. (Sold for $50,000) January 2007
  3. (Sold for $40,000) January 2007
  4. (Sold for $15,000) November 2007
  5. (Sold for $10,500) August 2008
  6. (Sold for $10,000) November 2007
  7. (Sold for $8,200) October 2007
  8. (Sold for $8,200) November 2007
  9. (Sold for $1,400) June 2007

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Top 10 Wedding Makeup Mistakes

When getting ready for weddings, many women think the bigger the event, the bigger the makeup. Well not so. Below is a list of the most common mishaps innocently played out at the hands of excited event-goers.

1. Too much makeup—yes, the wedding is a big celebration but try not to make your face as grand as the excitement. Less is more.

2. Stuck on trends—okay, unless you’ve been asleep for the past few years, you know that glitter is big. But 5 years from now you want to look at photos that have a timeless, classic and neutral face. Don’t date your photos with super shine! Go with matte, neutrals.

3. Makeup that isn’t you—If you never wear a stitch of makeup, don’t walk down the aisle or show up at a party looking like you lost a fight with a Drag Queen. Look like you, only fresher.

4. Look-a-likes—gone are the days when bridesmaids all resemble big matching rosettes atop a cake. Let your wedding party keep their individuality and wear looks that suit them. Don’t give everyone bright purple eye-paint to match the purple dresses. Work with a range of harmonizing colour families.

5. Forcing the unwilling—classic are the Moms of brides and grooms who go "under the brush" to please the bride, only to be upset that lipstick feels funny on their usually bare lips. Don’t force anyone to be made up for your event; you’ll create needless stress for yourself also.

6. Changing routines—too many brides rush out and get facials, tans and teeth whitening a week before the wedding. Skin erupts, gums flare up, and tans can peel off like wallpaper the morning of the nuptials. Stick with your regular skincare, eat well, exercise, have lots of water and sleep, and less caffeine.

7. Forgetting supplies—any makeup artist who tells you your face will last the whole day of your big party with NO touch-ups is selling a dream. You will need blotting papers or powder to control face shine before photos, lipstick to reapply and maybe sealer to prep for all those celebration kisses, a little liner or eye shadow to refresh after tears, and always waterproof mascara.

8. Wrong look—many people take pictures out of magazines and request a look that doesn’t suit them or is too sultry for their Victorian theme (the smokey eye and the pale JLo lip are common requests.) Match your look to the feel of the event and to suit your face.

9. Over-dew!—I haven’t met a bride who didn’t want a "dewey" shining cheek. The challenge is that it can look greasy in photos. Stick with a little highlighting on cheekbones or eyes, but not whole face.

10. Gloss crazy—leave the gloss for calmer events. Big events mean you kiss a lot and dance like mad. You end up with your flying hair stuck to youArticle Submission, and your mouth stuck to everyone else. Keep lips creamy or matte.

Makeup Artist Tips - Celebrity Makeup Secrets

Makeup is an art where you use your cosmetics as paints and your face as the canvas to conjure up the desired look. Makeup doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be as simple or as complex as you want and is as unique as the individual. Since everybody has a different complexion and look, no one style will be right for everyone. While choosing a style that will compliment your look your makeup should reflect your personality as well as play up your best features and hide any flaws.If you thought those ladies roll out of bed looking flawless every morning, nothing could be further from the truth. Even the brightest stars in Hollywood wouldn’t be caught dead without their "face" on. You shouldn’t either.So what? You don’t have a personal makeup artist. That’s irrelevant. You won’t need one when I lay down the Makeup Basics for you. With these tips, you’ll be looking like a star in no time!First, where else would we start but with your foundation? It didn’t get this name for nothin’. That’s your starting point, and the key is to find one that looks like you don’t have any on! For some, it’s a powder to be brushed on. For others, it’s a liquid to be smoothed on. But whichever you use, you want to appear au naturel.Second, for your cheeks, eyes, and lips, keep the colors neutral…especially if you’re a beginner. Browns, oranges, greens and golds, earth tones, are always going to be your best bet regardless of your complexion. So for your cheeks, get a large brush and right along your cheekbones, sweep the color of your choice up towards your temples. The easiest way to find the path is to suck your cheeks in like a fish, and the bony structure is where you want to apply the color.Lip gloss is what’s hot, these days! So, this part is easy. Find a color that looks good on you, in a neutral tone, of course, and spread it on thick! For the lips, the glossier, the better!Your eyes are where the look will totally come together, so this is the part you really want to get right! Select three colors. For instance, a dark brown, a burnt orange, and gold. Close your eye and apply the dark brown in the crease of your eye. Try not to go too far in (towards the inside corners of your eyes).Next, take the burnt orange and apply it right along the top of your eyelid (right above the lashes). This time, start from the inside corner and work your way out towards your cheek. Then, trace the underside of your arched eyebrow with the gold shadow. Finish off with sweeping the lashes with a black mascara.Close the other eye and repeat the steps above. Now, go find yourself a mirror and marvel at the most beautiful woman the world has ever seen! Aren’t you gorgeous? Now, I have a question for you: May I have your autograph? Best wishesComputer Technology Articles, Movie Star!

Awek Bawang Merah


this is my first post